Before your root canal consult
Do you really need a root canal?! That’s what Dr. Conner needs to find out. However, before you visit an endodontist for a root canal consult, a few things would help in the diagnosis and treatment.
First, do not take any pain medications (aspirin, Ibuprofen, Advil, etc.) before your consult appointment. Dr. Conner needs to be able to reproduce your symptoms. If you mask those symptoms, Dr. Conner may not be able to isolate which tooth is causing the problems. Antibiotics can do this as well so timing of the consult with taking antibiotics is important.
Second, have a list of the medications you are taking. You don’t want those ugly adverse drug interactions happening.
Finally, if you’re anxious, let Dr. Conner know during the consult. There is no need to stress over this. While your mind may know it’s just like a long, boring filling, you can still be emotionally stressed. That can make it difficult to get numb. And, numbing is a good thing. So, Dr. Conner can prescribe an anxiolytic. Then you can chill….
You can read more about what to expect here.