Tagged: anxiety

COVID-19 banner

COVID-19 and the new normal

So many things have changed in the past 6 months! It’s now September 2020 and COVID-19 upended our lives in March for many of us. While we all hope we can get back to normal, for now we have a...

patient testimonial

Before your root canal consult

Do you really need a root canal?! That’s what Dr. Conner needs to find out. However, before you visit an endodontist for a root canal consult, a few things would help in the diagnosis and treatment. First, do not take...

Woman in tooth pain

Tooth pain – it only gets worse…

One of the most common things I see in our Durham Endodontics practice is someone who has had aching or slight tooth pain for months (sometimes years). Then, presto, they are in excruciating pain and in need of emergency root...